Hey Claymaker!
That's a wrap on Clayback 2024!
Check back later this year for Clayback 2025!
In the meantime, happy scultping!
Hey Claymaker!
That's a wrap on Clayback 2024!
Check back later this year for Clayback 2025!
In the meantime, happy scultping!
Generate your Clayback
Hey there!
Thanks for stopping by. It looks like you haven't used Clay much this year. We're excited to see what you build next year!
Check out Clay University, and learn how Clay is the creative tool for growth.
Hey there!
Thanks for stopping by. It looks like you haven't used Clay much this year. We're excited to see you grow with Clay in 2025!
Learn the building blocks and master Clay in a few core video lessons
Hey there!
To generate your 2024 Clayback,
log into
Clay first!
Inside Clay, you'll see a banner that says "Get my Clayback".
Hey there!
To generate your 2024 Clayback,
log into
Clay first!
Once you're logged into Clay, come back here and check out your 2024 stats!
We know you’re ready to bloom into 2025, but let’s look back on what we accomplished together this year.
Swipe or click through to relive the memories.
Share your favorites and spread the word!
Our journey began in
Month, DD
, to be exact)
And we’ve been growing together ever since.
We shared early mornings
The early bird gets the lead...they say...
March 4, 2023
...and late nights...
Burning the midnight oil...we see you.
May 16, 2023
This year you built...
clay tables
You loved using
Claygent Find People
more than any other enrichment
In fact, you used it more than
of all other Claymakers
We both love a good party. In your workspace, you helped craft...
And sometimes, it's about the time we
spend doing things...
With Clay, your workspace saved...
Time flies! If you can believe it, this year we spent
days together
We’ve learned a lot from each other. Your Clay skills have convinced us you’re a...
You used Claygent and other generative AI tools more than most!
You used and experimented with a variety of enrichments like a pro!
You mastered waterfalls more than 70% of other Clay users!
You're among our most devoted Claymakers!
Your growth has just begun and we're excited to see you sprout!
Let’s sum it up and get ready to share our accomplishments together!
Check out a summary of your stats on the next slide →
Download and share your Clayback cards on the next slide →
days in clay
ClAY persona
claymaker since
hours saved
tables built
Thanks for reliving the memories with us!
Share your Clayback
Cheers to even more growth in the new year!
—the Clay team
Your Clayback cards are downloading.
Here’s how to share:
step 1
Click here for
Click here for
step 2
Attach your downloaded Clayback Cards
step 3
Hit 'share', enjoy the holidays, see you in 2025!
Hey there!
The Clayback Machine is best viewed on desktop.
See you over there!
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