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Esteban Lopez Betancourt

About Esteban

Revenue Operations professional, passionate about helping biz drive more revenue through efficient, effective processes and definitions: architecture platform infrastructure, tech-stack optimizations, automations, LeadGen, Inbound, Outbound, TAM, ICP, Persona definitions


- Clay Expert

- Salesforce Certified Administrator, Certified Developer, Trailhead 2X Ranger

- HubSpot Certified Professional

- API Integration Specialist

- Software Developer (Python, Js, C#, Apex, SQL)

- 6+ years in RevOps, Marketing Ops, Sales Ops

- 6+ years Salesforce ecosystem

- 3+ years HubSpot ecosystem

- 15+ years experience in Software IT industry

Customer profile
preferred engagement
6 - 12 months
Esteban Lopez Betancourt
Product Expert

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