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Find retail companies with active promotions
Clay Team
This workflow will help you:
- Find lookalike companies similar to your target prospects
- Determine whether those companies have active promotions
- Capture promotional details
- Check to see if those companies use a specific product, service, or competitor
For detailed instructions on how to use this template, check out this Claybook
Score prospects based on work history and tailor personalized messaging
Jason Lew
Learn how this template works
This template uses a person's professional profile data, Claygent's research, and Google's Gemini LLM's reasoning capabilities to score people for outreach. It then uses additional logic to tailor the value-prop in the message for each prospect.
Enrich newsletter subscribers and update contacts in HubSpot
Clay Team
This workflow will help you:
- Import newsletter subscribers from HubSpot or another CRM
- Categorize them based off of name and email information
- Enrich contacts with missing name or email information and LinkedIn profile data
- Create or update contacts back in HubSpot