Find email address and write personalized copy from press clips and recent personal or professional posts.
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Automate help article drafts using customer support conversations
Clay Team
This workflow will allow you to:
- Import support ticket threads from Intercom
- Use AI to summarize the support ticket thread
- Generate a help article that addresses the issue
For detailed instructions on how to use this template, check out this Claybook
Find local businesses with Google Maps and generate sales pitches at scale
Drew Leahy
This workflow will allow you to:
- Find and enrich local businesses with emails, telephone numbers, websites, and Yelp reviews
- Create a sales pitch tailored to each prospect based on the value proposition of your business
- Generate a cold-call template to reach out to your prospects with warm intros
For detailed instructions on how to use this template, check out this Claybook
Enrich newsletter subscribers and update contacts in HubSpot
Clay Team
This workflow will help you:
- Import newsletter subscribers from HubSpot or another CRM
- Categorize them based off of name and email information
- Enrich contacts with missing name or email information and LinkedIn profile data
- Create or update contacts back in HubSpot