Similarweb integration, Loom transcripts, Bitly integration, improved company search, and more!
Similarweb Integration

Get website analytics and technology insights for any company domain.
- Go to "Add Enrichment" > select "Similarweb" > choose from six different actions
- Get website insights such as global web traffic, traffic by geography, website technology used, bounce rates, and more
- Filter results with options for main domain and engaged visits
Qualify your leads and accounts faster with more detailed web data. Learn more →
Enhanced People Search Filters

Find prospects based on their complete work history, including past company experiences.
- Go to "Add Table" > select "Find People"
- Enable "Include Past Experiences" toggle to search historical work data
- Apply filters that now work across current and previous roles
Build more targeted prospecting lists with comprehensive work history filtering. Try it now →
Improved Company Search

Results are now sorted by social profile follower count instead of keyword matching.
- Go to "Add Table" > select "Find Companies"
- Set "Minimum Follower Count" to filter for established companies
- This surfaces more established companies with complete profiles and verifiable information
Now you can find the most popular companies who fit your niche search criteria faster.
BetterContact Integration

New email and mobile number provider with verified-only billing and advanced validation.
- Go to "Add Enrichment" > select "BetterContact" for email or mobile lookup
- Pay only for valid, verified contact information
Get high-quality contact data with multi-layer verification included.
Loom Transcripts

Extract transcripts from Loom videos directly within Clay.
- Go to "Add Enrichment" > select "Loom" > choose "Transcribe Loom Video"
- Input Loom video URL to extract full transcript
- Use transcripts for AI analysis and summaries
Streamline your video content management workflow. Try it now →
Bitly Integration

Customize and manage shortened URLs within Clay.
- Go to "Add Enrichment" > select "Bitly" > choose "Customize Link"
- Configure custom domains, groups, and slugs
- Create shortened URLs programmatically
Simplify your link management process. Learn more →
UI/UX Improvements

Several updates to enhance user experience and organization.
- Access AI features easily through the new "AI" category in the Discover tab
- Use "" shortcut to create and organize tables in folders
- Browse enhanced template library with improved search and preview
Work more efficiently with improved organization and accessibility.
For any questions or support, reach out to us through Slack or email Stay updated by following Clay on LinkedIn.