This workflow will help you:
- Find lookalike companies similar to your target prospects
- Determine whether those companies have active promotions
- Capture promotional details
- Check to see if those companies use a specific product, service, or competitor
For detailed instructions on how to use this template, check out this Claybook
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Use Google Maps to find local businesses and their contact information
Clay Team
Use this template to leverage Google Maps in your prospecting efforts. This is best used for companies that don’t have a great LinkedIn presence but are easily found on Google Maps. In this example, we found the company’s Google ratings, role email address, and the founder’s LinkedIn profile and work email. Noticed that we used the Clay “Get Keywords” integration to double check that the person we is in fact the correct person so that you can filter based on that.
How To Outbound - Clay's Outbound Motion for ClickUp
Clay Team
In this workflow, you'll learn how to:
- Enrich target companies with headcount growth, acquisition info, and the time they spend on documentation per year
- Find the tech leads at these companies, such as product managers, senior directors, and project leads
- Draft custom emails with AI referencing the company data to their prospects
Track new business locations, funding announcements, acquisitions and intent data by puling information from RSS Feed
Clay Team
In this workflow, you'll be able to:
- Pull in news articles relevant to your search query by extracting the RSS Feed
- Extract the business referenced in the article with Claygent and enrich it using integrations
- Find contacts at those companies and enrich them with emails