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Find open jobs with Clay

Matthew Quan

How to find open job postings using Clay

Looking to accelerate your job search or sourcing on Clay? Or, do you want to use find job data for outbound prospecting? Either way, Clay can help. This in-depth guide reveals how to find, analyze, and connect with the right people for the right job opportunities. Our video tutorial demonstrates how to:

  • Query Job Opportunities: Learn to use advanced filters such as job title, location, and keywords to find the most relevant jobs in the industry of your choice.
  • Scrape Job Descriptions: Extract all the essential details of a job listing, from responsibilities to qualifications, using Clay's scraping feature.
  • AI-Powered Summaries: Don't want to read through lengthy job descriptions? Our integration with ChatGPT enables you to summarize the entire job description into easy-to-read bullet points.
  • Identify Decision Makers: Once you have your list of jobs, we guide you through how to find key decision-makers within those companies.
  • Retrieve Validated Emails: Say goodbye to bounces. Our video shows you how to obtain validated emails from multiple providers so you can reach out with confidence.

Scraping job data for outbound prospecting

Job posts contain crucial intelligence - if you can extract it. Manually reviewing listings doesn't scale. Clay automates the process so you can analyze postings systematically.

Specific details within listings provide strategic insight:

  • Qualified Leads - Job titles indicate ideal customer profiles. Reach out to fill their needs.
  • Tech Intel - Required skills and tech reveal current infrastructure. Identify upgrade opportunities.
  • Growth Areas - Common themes signal priorities and expanding initiatives.
  • Competitor Monitoring - Track rivals' new hires and claimed expertise.
  • Email Triggers - Newly posted openings signify budgets approved.

Efficiently capturing intelligence requires scraping at scale beyond manual review. Clay surfaces the most important information from each LinkedIn listing automatically:

  • Location, Type, Title
  • Skill Requirements
  • Seniority Level
  • Company Description Excerpts
  • Technologies Mentioned

Start using Clay to find open jobs today with a free 14-day pro trial.

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Clay brand asset shaped as a 3D group of abstract objects made out of purple and pink clayClay brand asset shaped as a 3D group of abstract objects made out of purple and pink clay

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