How ServiceBell used Clay to book 30 meetings with 1 hour of work

Patrick Spychalski
Jul 28, 2023

When Jacob Tuwiner from ServiceBell started using Clay,  he had two goals in mind:

  1. Automate browser scraping
  2. Perform data enrichment on leads with very little information attached to them

However, when he hopped on a demo with one of our Clay experts, he realized that the tool could be used for far, far more.

“At first I didn’t realize the power of the platform. I reached out for a demo; he showed me an automation and I was like, woah.”…”It solves a much more broad problem than I initially started using it for”.

The problem Clay solves is one that had been around for decades:

“Clay solves one of the biggest problems in outbound sales that has been around for the last ten years… before Clay, you would either have a giant list of leads that are not targeted whatsoever, or you would do a really good job of prospecting but only get around 10 leads.”

We hear this from so many of our customers- they want the ability to enrich, qualify and personalize outbound with large lead lists. Clay does just that.

As soon Jacob realized the potential of Clay, he didn’t waste any time in starting to book meetings with it. Here was his process:

First, he went to Hubspot and found a listing of 1700 Hubspot partners (people within his ICP).

Then, he scraped the list and imported the information into Clay. All he had at this point was a company name, a short description, and a rating.

After that, he used our “Search Google” integration to look up the company name and map out the first three results into his Clay table.

Then, he used our “Use ChatGPT” integration to find the search result that contained the company’s domain.

He then inputted the domain into our “Enrich Company” integration to find the company's social platform URL

He tossed that link into our “Find Contacts” integration to locate the decision makers within each company that he contacted.

After finding a decision maker, he used our “Work Email” attribute to find their email.

He then verified the emails via our Hunter integration, exported them to Instantly, and started running his email campaign.

“The whole process took me around an hour from start to finish.”

The results? We’ll let him tell you:

“The first day I booked around 5-10 meetings, but within the first few weeks I had booked around 30”. Our goal was to see if we could book any meetings within the first week and we were able to book one within the first 15-20 minutes of running the campaign. We already have a customer from that, too”.

He attributes Clay to helping him qualify leads at scale and send out emails that were actually relevant to his ICP. In his (and our) opinion, great email lists are the best way to activate cold leads.

“Your list is your strategy. the amount of effort you put into your list will directly translate to the return you get.”

Want to learn more about Clay? Schedule a demo, join our Slack, or just create an account and get started!

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