How to launch personalized direct mail campaigns at scale w/ Sendoso + Clay

Jacob Tuwiner
Jan 29, 2024

Most cold-outreach is too serious.

Sometimes a corny personalized joke + relevant offer is all you need to start a warm sales conversation.

That’s exactly what I did with these personalized mugs:

But hey — don’t just take my word for it…

Here’s the analytics from this personalized gifting campaign:

…and here’s an example of the final email output:

Not too shabby for a 100% automated email sequence, yea?

Ready to learn exactly how I did all of this? Let’s roll:

How to Run The Personalized Gifting Play

This assumes you have a list of contacts with their full name, email, company website, etc. If not — you can create one using Apollo.

1. Validate Email + Exclude CRM Contacts

Validate Their Email

Use NeverBounce to check their email and make sure it’s valid. You can extract the result of NeverBounce into a separate column — and use that to check whether or not you should continue personalizing that contact.

Exclude Certain CRM Contacts

Now you’ll want to create 3 columns that lookup records in your CRM:

  • Lookup contacts (based on their email):
  • Check if they’ve already been sequenced
  • Check if they’re an active customer
  • Lookup accounts (based on their company domain):
  • Check for any open opportunities
  • Check if the account is an active customer
  • Check for meetings (based on their email):
  • Check for any meetings with that person

Then, you want to combine the results of all those columns into a single column called “CRM Check”. If the person doesn’t pass all of those checks, don’t continue personalization.

2. Generate a Unique Observation From Their Social Profile

To create a personalized mug gift — you need to find something unique about the person (like their hobbies/interests, past volunteer work, etc).

Then, you can use that to create the email’s opening line, the mug text, etc.

Find Something Unique From Their Social Media

First, you’ll want to enrich the person’s social profile. Then, you can use AI to analyze the person’s social profile(about section, work experience, start dates, past/current education, etc.) to find a unique observation about them. 

Create The Opening Line

After creating the unique observation summary — you’ll want to use AI (again) to create the opening email line based on the unique summary.

It should output something like: “I saw on Twitter … [UNIQUE OBSERVATION].”

NOTE: If you want the specific prompts we used to do this, you can find all of them at the bottom of this article.

3. Create The Personalized Mug Gift

Now, we’re going to kill 2 birds with one AI stone.

Create The Mug Text & Gift Intro Line

We’re going to use AI to analyze the unique observation opening line (created in the above step) — and from that create the mug text and gift intro line.

Just feed the “unique observation opening line” into AI and prompt it to create a funny/punny mug gift idea and have it output the mug gift text between “quotes” (so that we can pull out this exact text later on).

Create The Final Gift Mug Image

1. Use a formula to extract the mug text from the gift into line. Just create a formula column and use AI to generate code to extract the text in quotation marks:

2. Use AI to analyze the mug text and pick an emoji based on the “vibe” of the text. We’ll use this emoji for the mug image to give the mug some extra “spazazz”.

3. To create the custom mug image using DynaPictures — you’ll need to send the “Mug Text” and “Mug Emoji” to Zapier and catch it with a webhook.

4. Next, you can connect Zapier with DynaPictures. Before you do that, you’ll need to create a DynaPictures account and upload the image template. Then, you just pass DynaPictures the “Mug Text”, “Mug Emoji”, and specify the image template to use. Then send the newly created image URL back to Clay.

5. Finally, you can use AI to create a witty call-to-action line (that prospects can reply with if they’re interested).

NOTE: If you want the specific prompts we used to do all of this, you can find them at the bottom of this article.

4. Find a Local Popular Restaurant For Gift Card Offer

If the mug gift doesn’t work, we’ll offer them a gift card to a local popular restaurant in the follow-up emails. Here’s how:

Find Their Location From Their Professional Profile & Normalize It

You can extract their location from their enriched professional/social profile. Then, you’ll want to pass it through AI to normalize the location so it outputs something like: “the [BLANK] area”. Making it sound more natural and human-like.

Find a Popular Local Restaurant Using Yelp

You can use the Yelp enrichment along with their professional/social profile location to find popular restaurants near them. Just make sure to add “best restaurant” in the search query.

Create a Punny 1-Liner Based On Restaurant Type

Use Claygent to scrape the restaurant’s Yelp page and determine the type of restaurant it is. Then, pass the Claygent output to another AI column and prompt it to come up with a witty line based on the restaurant type.

We’ll use this line as a fun call to action that they can respond with if they’d like to receive the gift card.

NOTE: If you want the specific prompts we used to do all of this, you can find them at the bottom of this article.

4. Find “Other” Contact for Breakup Email

Lastly, we’ll want to find another marketing contact in their company to use in the last email (where we ask if that person would be a better person to reach out to). Here’s how:

Find Marketing Leaders in Their Company

Just create another enrichment column, add the companies social media url as the identifier, include marketing leadership roles, and make sure to EXCLUDE the job title of the main contact you’re reaching out to (so they don’t end up included).

5. Export Clay Table & Import Into Email Campaign

Finally, package up all of those personalization variables into an output view. Then, export the output view as a CSV and import it into whatever email sending tool you’re using (Instantly, Smartlead, etc).

It’s really that simple.

[Bonus] Email Template

In case you want to swipe the email framework for your own outbound campaigns, we've included the exact emails sequence template below, along with the GPT prompts weused!


SUBJECT: {{Witty Line Output}} 

Hey {{First Name}}, 

{{Observation Line Output}}

{{Gift Intro Output}}

{{Gift Mug Image URL}}

Sendoso is the number one personalized gifting platform for revenue teams. Would love to set some time to chat and show you what’s new at Sendoso!

If open to learning more, reply with {{Witty Line Output}}, and the mug will arrive on your doorstep! 


- [Your Name]


Looks like you're in the {{Normalize Location}}. I heard {{Restaurant Title}} is an awesome spot!

With Sendoso, you can send your prospects personalized gift cards (to their favorite restaurant, for example) to book more meetings. 

If you're open to learning more, reply {{Witty Restaurant Reply Output}} for a $25 gift card to {{Restaurant Title}} on me!

PS Sendoso is the number one personalized gifting platform for revenue teams. Would love to set some time to chat and show you what’s new at Sendoso!


Tough choice between the mug and the restaurant gift card!

[Bonus] ChatGPT Prompts

Click here to explore some more ChatGPT prompts to help you with your prospecting!

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