Instantly Pricing—All You Need To Know

Clay Team
Mar 28, 2024

Instantly has gotten lots of attention from marketing and sales pros due to its prospecting and automation capabilities. It promises to “10x your leads,” which undoubtedly sounds appealing and worth the investment.

In this guide, you’ll learn whether the platform delivers on this promise and if it fits your budget and needs. To help you make this decision, we assessed the Instantly pricing structure and had a look at the tool’s key features. We then sought feedback from our network of marketing and sales pros, after which we examined the platform’s customer reviews on reputable outlets.

A Quick Review

To put Instantly’s pricing into perspective, we must first have a look at the platform’s main capabilities. Like other sales engagement platforms, Instantly streamlines processes throughout the sales cycle to help you close more leads faster. It does so through several features, most notably:

  • Campaign builder—Lets you fine-tune and personalize your outreach efforts through different variables that help you build sequences more effortlessly. You can also use smart scheduling to automate your campaigns and send emails at the right time 💪
  • Deliverability enhancements—Help you avoid spam by letting you check your domain for missing records and clean your lead lists. You can also leverage the platform’s unlimited email warmup to boost your domain’s authority ✉️
  • Unibox—Brings all your inboxes together to streamline email and deal management. You can add as many inboxes as you want without limitations 📮
Source: Instantly

Instantly also prides itself on an extensive database of B2B leads, which contains over 160 million contacts. The platform claims all contacts are verified automatically, so you don’t need to do it on your own. You can also use various filters and keywords to find your target audience more efficiently.

Source: Instantly YouTube

All of these features sound pretty impressive—but they don’t sell for cheap. 💸

Instantly Price—Breakdown of the Available Plans

Instantly doesn’t have a single pricing structure that encompasses all features. Instead, it’s split into two categories:

  1. Sending & Warmup
  2. Leads

Sending & Warmup

Instantly’s Sending & Warmup package is useful if you already have a list of qualified leads you want to start sending emails to. In this case, you can choose between three plans:

Plan Cost Key Features
Growth $37/month
  • Advanced sequences and scheduling

  • Email analytics

  • Bounce detection

Hypergrowth $97/month
  • A/Z testing

  • Integrations, webhooks, and API

  • Global block list

Light Speed $358/month
  • Everything in Hypergrowth

  • 500k monthly emails and 100k contact uploads

All plans support unlimited email accounts and email warmup, so besides the features you saw in the above table, the main differences lie in the number of contents you can upload (1,000–100,000) and the number of emails you can send (5,000–500,000). Hypergrowth and Light Speed also get you access to premium support, while the Growth plan only offers live chat support.


If you want to use Instantly to find leads, you’ll encounter another three pricing options:

Plan Cost Number of Leads per Month
Growth Leads $47/month 1,000
Hyperleads $197/month 10,000
Light Speed $492/month 25,000

There aren’t any additional differences between these plans, so the cost difference is only tied to the number of leads you wish to find. Other features you get with any tier include the following:

  • Advanced filters
  • Lookalike domains and keywords
  • Enrichment and domain search

Instantly doesn’t offer a free plan, but you get a 14-day trial to test the aforementioned features. Reviews—What Users Have To Say

The most obvious way to assess a platform’s cost-effectiveness is to compare its pricing to your budget. Still, you should go a step further and see whether its features translate into real-life results according to existing users.

Judging by user reviews, Instantly does a solid job of streamlining outbound campaigns. The platform has a high score on many reputable websites, as shown in the following table:

Platform Rating Number of Reviews
G2 ⭐ 4.9/5 1,959
Trustpilot ⭐ 4.7/5 275

Some of the main reasons for such high scores include the following:

  • Unlimited sender accounts paired with an easy way to manage various inboxes
  • API integration that lets users adapt Instantly to their existing sales workflow
  • Numerous ways to personalize email campaigns

Still, the platform has a fair share of drawbacks. If you haven’t used similar software in the past, you might face a notable learning curve. Some users have complained that Instantly tutorials are somewhat confusing and inconsistent, which further exacerbates the issue. 

A more pressing issue is the data accuracy and quality. Users have reported inaccurate and outdated contact information, which undermines the entire purpose of using a platform like Instantly. No matter what features you get, they won’t matter much if your emails keep bouncing back.

Of course, these are individual experiences that aren’t reflective of Intstantly’s performance as a whole, and many users have found the platform worth the money. Still, it suffers from an objective drawback you’ll want to avoid. 🚩

The Problem With Instantly (and Other Single-Source Data Providers)

The way data providers work is simple enough—they partner up with data collection services or scrape the web for information, after which they form a database you can tap into. Unfortunately, those databases are often marked up, so you need to make a significant investment.

Worse yet, there’s no guarantee that the investment will pay off—all you can do is sign up and hope for the best. If you don’t get the data you need, you must look for it elsewhere. This means more contracts, money, and hassle.

Instantly somewhat fixes this issue by offering monthly plans. Many of its competitors require annual commitments, which means you’re tied to the contract for a long time regardless of how satisfied you are with the results.

While you won’t run into such issues if you opt for Instantly’s monthly plan, you’re still exposing yourself to the risk of missed data. The platform’s database surely isn’t the largest on the market, which makes the problem even worse.

Opting for a more robust solution might seem like a logical decision, but then you’ll most likely encounter steep pricing that exceeds your budget.

So, what’s the solution?

Your safest bet is a platform that lets you tap into multiple databases without having to sign up for additional tools separately. If you need such a solution, you should consider Clay.

Clay—A One-Stop Shop for All the Data You Need

Clay is an advanced data enrichment and sales automation platform that removes manual labor and guesswork from lead generation. It gives you access to over 50 data providersincluding Instantly—which you can browse without ever leaving the platform.

Finding company and people data with Clay is easy—here’s how it works:

  1. Let Clay create your lead list (or import an existing one)
  2. Go to Enrich data and select the data points you need (emails, phone numbers, social media, etc.)
  3. Clay will use waterfall enrichment to examine data sources one by one until it finds a hit
  4. You’ll get the information you need and only pay for successful searches
Source: Clay

Much like Instantly, Clay offers various enrichments—but you’re not limited to a single data source. This gives you much more freedom to find all the data you need to launch hyper-personalized outbound campaigns. 🎯

Some of Clay’s most notable supported providers include the following:

Want to see how waterfall enrichment works in action? Check out this video:

Clay also integrates with 100+ additional tools, from popular CRM solutions to various sales execution platforms. Whatever software you’re currently using, Clay can connect to it seamlessly. 🧩

Eliminate Hours of Work With Clay’s AI Features

Clay is so much more than a data enrichment platform—it combines various AI solutions to ensure your emails get out there as quickly and effortlessly as possible. The following table outlines the features that make this happen:

Feature What It Does
Claygent 🧠 Scrapes the web to find all the information you need about a lead. Claygent can answer all your questions and eliminate the need for manual research
AI enrichment 🔍 Lets you summarize research, make inferences, and complete lots of other tasks through simple prompts
Email builder ✍️ Pulls data from your Clay table to create personalized email drafts in seconds. You can write an email in a single click and automate entire sequences in no time

Thanks to these features, one SDR can complete the work of multiple team members. Your workflow will be far more efficient, which can result in considerable cost savings. 💰

Speaking of costs, Clay offers flexible pricing to make sure the platform is available to teams with different budgets. Unlike Instantly, it offers a free plan that lets you see the key features in action and explore Clay’s robust enrichments.

If you decide to upgrade, you can choose between four plans:

  1. Starter—$149/month
  2. Explorer—$349/month
  3. Pro—$800/month
  4. Enterprise—Custom

Each plan lets you choose a number of credits you’ll use to enrich leads, which helps avoid overspending and makes Clay highly cost-effective. Many marketing and sales pros agree that this is the case—here’s what one of them had to say:

Source: Clay Wall of Love

Fill Your Sales Pipeline With Clay

Why have one data provider when you can have over 50—and tighten your workflow at the same time? Clay does it all, and you can get started in three quick steps:

  1. Visit the signup page
  2. Enter your name, email, and password
  3. Explore Clay’s many features

Need more info to decide if Clay is the right fit for you? Check out the platform’s Learn hub to see everything it can do, and join Clay’s Slack community to discover the many ways other teams are taking advantage of it. You can also sign up for the newsletter to get lots of actionable advice on taking your outbound campaigns to the next level. 

💡Keep reading: Want to learn about the pricing information of other sales tools? Check out our blog posts for the following platforms:

Instantly has gotten lots of attention from marketing and sales pros due to its prospecting and automation capabilities. It promises to “10x your leads,” which undoubtedly sounds appealing and worth the investment.

In this guide, you’ll learn whether the platform delivers on this promise and if it fits your budget and needs. To help you make this decision, we assessed the Instantly pricing structure and had a look at the tool’s key features. We then sought feedback from our network of marketing and sales pros, after which we examined the platform’s customer reviews on reputable outlets.

A Quick Review

To put Instantly’s pricing into perspective, we must first have a look at the platform’s main capabilities. Like other sales engagement platforms, Instantly streamlines processes throughout the sales cycle to help you close more leads faster. It does so through several features, most notably:

  • Campaign builder—Lets you fine-tune and personalize your outreach efforts through different variables that help you build sequences more effortlessly. You can also use smart scheduling to automate your campaigns and send emails at the right time 💪
  • Deliverability enhancements—Help you avoid spam by letting you check your domain for missing records and clean your lead lists. You can also leverage the platform’s unlimited email warmup to boost your domain’s authority ✉️
  • Unibox—Brings all your inboxes together to streamline email and deal management. You can add as many inboxes as you want without limitations 📮
Source: Instantly

Instantly also prides itself on an extensive database of B2B leads, which contains over 160 million contacts. The platform claims all contacts are verified automatically, so you don’t need to do it on your own. You can also use various filters and keywords to find your target audience more efficiently.

Source: Instantly YouTube

All of these features sound pretty impressive—but they don’t sell for cheap. 💸

Instantly Price—Breakdown of the Available Plans

Instantly doesn’t have a single pricing structure that encompasses all features. Instead, it’s split into two categories:

  1. Sending & Warmup
  2. Leads

Sending & Warmup

Instantly’s Sending & Warmup package is useful if you already have a list of qualified leads you want to start sending emails to. In this case, you can choose between three plans:

Plan Cost Key Features
Growth $37/month
  • Advanced sequences and scheduling

  • Email analytics

  • Bounce detection

Hypergrowth $97/month
  • A/Z testing

  • Integrations, webhooks, and API

  • Global block list

Light Speed $358/month
  • Everything in Hypergrowth

  • 500k monthly emails and 100k contact uploads

All plans support unlimited email accounts and email warmup, so besides the features you saw in the above table, the main differences lie in the number of contents you can upload (1,000–100,000) and the number of emails you can send (5,000–500,000). Hypergrowth and Light Speed also get you access to premium support, while the Growth plan only offers live chat support.


If you want to use Instantly to find leads, you’ll encounter another three pricing options:

Plan Cost Number of Leads per Month
Growth Leads $47/month 1,000
Hyperleads $197/month 10,000
Light Speed $492/month 25,000

There aren’t any additional differences between these plans, so the cost difference is only tied to the number of leads you wish to find. Other features you get with any tier include the following:

  • Advanced filters
  • Lookalike domains and keywords
  • Enrichment and domain search

Instantly doesn’t offer a free plan, but you get a 14-day trial to test the aforementioned features. Reviews—What Users Have To Say

The most obvious way to assess a platform’s cost-effectiveness is to compare its pricing to your budget. Still, you should go a step further and see whether its features translate into real-life results according to existing users.

Judging by user reviews, Instantly does a solid job of streamlining outbound campaigns. The platform has a high score on many reputable websites, as shown in the following table:

Platform Rating Number of Reviews
G2 ⭐ 4.9/5 1,959
Trustpilot ⭐ 4.7/5 275

Some of the main reasons for such high scores include the following:

  • Unlimited sender accounts paired with an easy way to manage various inboxes
  • API integration that lets users adapt Instantly to their existing sales workflow
  • Numerous ways to personalize email campaigns

Still, the platform has a fair share of drawbacks. If you haven’t used similar software in the past, you might face a notable learning curve. Some users have complained that Instantly tutorials are somewhat confusing and inconsistent, which further exacerbates the issue. 

A more pressing issue is the data accuracy and quality. Users have reported inaccurate and outdated contact information, which undermines the entire purpose of using a platform like Instantly. No matter what features you get, they won’t matter much if your emails keep bouncing back.

Of course, these are individual experiences that aren’t reflective of Intstantly’s performance as a whole, and many users have found the platform worth the money. Still, it suffers from an objective drawback you’ll want to avoid. 🚩

The Problem With Instantly (and Other Single-Source Data Providers)

The way data providers work is simple enough—they partner up with data collection services or scrape the web for information, after which they form a database you can tap into. Unfortunately, those databases are often marked up, so you need to make a significant investment.

Worse yet, there’s no guarantee that the investment will pay off—all you can do is sign up and hope for the best. If you don’t get the data you need, you must look for it elsewhere. This means more contracts, money, and hassle.

Instantly somewhat fixes this issue by offering monthly plans. Many of its competitors require annual commitments, which means you’re tied to the contract for a long time regardless of how satisfied you are with the results.

While you won’t run into such issues if you opt for Instantly’s monthly plan, you’re still exposing yourself to the risk of missed data. The platform’s database surely isn’t the largest on the market, which makes the problem even worse.

Opting for a more robust solution might seem like a logical decision, but then you’ll most likely encounter steep pricing that exceeds your budget.

So, what’s the solution?

Your safest bet is a platform that lets you tap into multiple databases without having to sign up for additional tools separately. If you need such a solution, you should consider Clay.

Clay—A One-Stop Shop for All the Data You Need

Clay is an advanced data enrichment and sales automation platform that removes manual labor and guesswork from lead generation. It gives you access to over 50 data providersincluding Instantly—which you can browse without ever leaving the platform.

Finding company and people data with Clay is easy—here’s how it works:

  1. Let Clay create your lead list (or import an existing one)
  2. Go to Enrich data and select the data points you need (emails, phone numbers, social media, etc.)
  3. Clay will use waterfall enrichment to examine data sources one by one until it finds a hit
  4. You’ll get the information you need and only pay for successful searches
Source: Clay

Much like Instantly, Clay offers various enrichments—but you’re not limited to a single data source. This gives you much more freedom to find all the data you need to launch hyper-personalized outbound campaigns. 🎯

Some of Clay’s most notable supported providers include the following:

Want to see how waterfall enrichment works in action? Check out this video:

Clay also integrates with 100+ additional tools, from popular CRM solutions to various sales execution platforms. Whatever software you’re currently using, Clay can connect to it seamlessly. 🧩

Eliminate Hours of Work With Clay’s AI Features

Clay is so much more than a data enrichment platform—it combines various AI solutions to ensure your emails get out there as quickly and effortlessly as possible. The following table outlines the features that make this happen:

Feature What It Does
Claygent 🧠 Scrapes the web to find all the information you need about a lead. Claygent can answer all your questions and eliminate the need for manual research
AI enrichment 🔍 Lets you summarize research, make inferences, and complete lots of other tasks through simple prompts
Email builder ✍️ Pulls data from your Clay table to create personalized email drafts in seconds. You can write an email in a single click and automate entire sequences in no time

Thanks to these features, one SDR can complete the work of multiple team members. Your workflow will be far more efficient, which can result in considerable cost savings. 💰

Speaking of costs, Clay offers flexible pricing to make sure the platform is available to teams with different budgets. Unlike Instantly, it offers a free plan that lets you see the key features in action and explore Clay’s robust enrichments.

If you decide to upgrade, you can choose between four plans:

  1. Starter—$149/month
  2. Explorer—$349/month
  3. Pro—$800/month
  4. Enterprise—Custom

Each plan lets you choose a number of credits you’ll use to enrich leads, which helps avoid overspending and makes Clay highly cost-effective. Many marketing and sales pros agree that this is the case—here’s what one of them had to say:

Source: Clay Wall of Love

Fill Your Sales Pipeline With Clay

Why have one data provider when you can have over 50—and tighten your workflow at the same time? Clay does it all, and you can get started in three quick steps:

  1. Visit the signup page
  2. Enter your name, email, and password
  3. Explore Clay’s many features

Need more info to decide if Clay is the right fit for you? Check out the platform’s Learn hub to see everything it can do, and join Clay’s Slack community to discover the many ways other teams are taking advantage of it. You can also sign up for the newsletter to get lots of actionable advice on taking your outbound campaigns to the next level. 

💡Keep reading: Want to learn about the pricing information of other sales tools? Check out our blog posts for the following platforms:

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