LinkedIn Email Scraper—7 Options Reviewed

Clay Team
Apr 30, 2024

Regardless of their industry or target audience, most GTM and sales teams can agree on one thing—LinkedIn is an invaluable prospecting platform. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to explore its full potential. If your lead-generation process is full of manual work, you leave too much room for the competition to steal your prospects.

One of the most tedious aspects of prospecting is email scraping since many users don’t leave their email addresses readily available on their profiles. Even if they do, you don’t want to waste time scouring profiles one by one.

That’s why a LinkedIn email scraper can be your best prospecting companion. It streamlines gathering emails, helping you reach out to leads as quickly as possible. Our guide will show you how this happens and suggest the best scraping tools you’ll want to check out.

How To Scrape Emails From LinkedIn With the Right Tool

We can split LinkedIn email scrapers into two broad categories:

  1. Dedicated platforms—Enrich a prospect with email data based on their LinkedIn URL or name and company
  2. Chrome extensions—Scrape email data in real-time while browsing LinkedIn

Either way, using a scraper is much more efficient than exporting emails manually. This is especially true if the tool connects to your CRM or sales execution platform as you can push emails to it without hassle. Alternatively, the scraper should at least let you export your data as a CSV file so that you can upload lead lists and emails. 📑

As you’ll see in a bit, some platforms go beyond such basic features. You can find various robust solutions that tighten your workflow and help you effortlessly target prospects with highly personalized messages.

Best Email Scraper for LinkedIn—Our Top 7 Tools

To an untrained eye, different LinkedIn scrapers might look largely the same. That’s why we’re here to help you uncover the small details that make a big difference to your prospecting process.

We’ve been in the sales engagement industry for quite a while and have helped over 30,000 teams maximize the results of their outreach campaigns, so we know what successful prospecting should look like. Still, we didn’t only rely on our expertise when cherry-picking the best LinkedIn email scrapers—we also took the following steps:

  • Examining different tools first-hand to get an idea of their capabilities 🛠️
  • Tapping into our extensive network of marketing and sales pros to hear their opinions 🤓
  • Browsing customer reviews to understand each platform’s real-life performance and identify any caveats you should beware of ⚠️

Our research resulted in seven platforms to consider:

  1. Clay
  2. Apollo
  3. Lemlist
  5. LeadGibbon
  6. Wiza
  7. Linked Helper


Clay is a robust sales engagement platform that offers various data enrichment and sales automation features, supported by integrations with valuable tools and platforms. It provides several ways to get people's emails from their LinkedIn URLs via over 50 different data providers. Providers are examined one by one through the process known as waterfall enrichment, and the search stops once the email is found. 🎯

No lead list? No problem—you can build one from scratch using Clay to find companies, people, open jobs, and more.

Finally, Clay lets you find someone’s email even without a LinkedIn profile through the dedicated Email Finder. Enter the prospect’s name and company, and you’ll have the email in no time. 🔍

You can also use Clay to simplify other processes throughout your workflow thanks to the platform’s AI research and writing capabilities. The only thing you can’t do is send emails, but you can connect Clay to over 100 tools, including popular sales execution platforms. 

Pros Cons

✔️ Several ways to scrape emails from LinkedIn and beyond

✔️ 50+ data providers for maximum coverage

✔️ Numerous data points in one place

✔️ AI research and writing features

❌ No built-in email sender


Source: Apollo

Apollo is a popular sales intelligence platform that has amassed a significant user base thanks to its many prospecting features. It lets you enrich prospect data with over 38 attributes, including their email and other contact information.

Still, the platform’s robust Chrome extension is the main reason it made it to our list. When you open LinkedIn and enable it, you can perform various actions directly from the plugin. Visit someone’s profile, and you’ll see their email and request a phone number. 📩

The extension will also show other data, such as:

  • The tech stack and funding data of the company your prospect works at
  • Their colleagues
  • LinkedIn activities and tasks you’ve associated with the prospect through Apollo

You can also use the plugin to add prospects directly to your email sequence, which saves quite a bit of time.

Apollo’s Chrome extension is available with the free plan, but if you want to get the most out of the platform as a whole, you can sign up for one of the three paid tiers:

  1. Basic—$59/user per month
  2. Professional—$99/user per month
  3. Organization—$119/user per month

As for the downsides, some users have complained about Apollo’s user interface and data accuracy, which didn’t meet their expectations. Some have also said the LinkedIn extension randomly stops working, which can complicate your workflow. 

Pros Cons

✔️ Comprehensive LinkedIn extension

✔️ Free plan

✔️ Various integration

❌ Occasional UI and data accuracy issues

❌ LinkedIn extension might crash unexpectedly


Source: Lemlist

Lemlist helps users complete various sales engagement tasks, such as email warmup, prospecting, and campaign automation in a single app.

Like many of its alternatives, the platform offers a LinkedIn Chrome extension you can use to scrape emails, though you need to do it in a roundabout way.

Specifically, you can either visit a prospect’s profile or perform a LinkedIn/Sales Navigator search, and the plugin will mirror the results with prospect data, such as:

  • Name
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Occupation
  • Company details

Unfortunately, the extension doesn’t show the email right away, so you must first import leads into Lemlist and then use the platform’s Email Finder and Verifier feature to get emails. Lemlist has a database of over 450+ million B2B contacts, which is a lot but might still result in empty searches because it’s a single database.

💡 Pro tip: You can integrate Lemlist with Clay to leverage its database and go beyond it if needed.

Lemlist doesn’t offer a free plan, so you need to choose between one of the following paid tiers:

  1. Email Starter—$39/month
  2. Email Pro—$69/month
  3. Multichannel Expert—$99/month
  4. Outreach Scale—$159/month
Pros Cons

✔️ LinkedIn data scraping plugin

✔️ Large B2B contact database

✔️ Email warmup features

❌ No email data within the Chrome extension

❌ No free plan


As the name implies, is primarily aimed at helping you find email addresses from various sources, such as LinkedIn, specific domains, or the platform’s database of 40+ million contacts.

For LinkedIn and Sales Navigator, you can use the dedicated Chrome extension. When you enable it, you have two options:

  1. Visit someone’s profile to scrape their email, phone, and other details 👤
  2. Use the bulk email and phone extraction feature to scrape contact data from LinkedIn searches 🔎 integrates with Zapier, so you can send contacts from the platform to your CRM or email sender. It also lets you create drip campaigns, though some users aren’t impressed with this feature.

Overall, it’s a simple platform that should do a decent job of letting you extract LinkedIn emails. Unfortunately, you can’t use it for free, so you need to subscribe to one of the following plans:

  1. Basic—$29/month
  2. Pro—$49/month
  3. Expert—$99/month
  4. Agency—$279/month

If you decide to sign up, you should be aware of a potential billing issue some users have encountered. Namely, canceling the account might be too complex, and you might get charged despite removing your billing information.

Pros Cons

✔️ Ease of use

✔️ Zapier integration

✔️ Individual and bulk email exports

❌ Potential issues with drip campaigns

❌ Questionable account cancellation practices


Source: LeadGibbon

LeadGibbon encompasses three products that let you find prospects’ emails:

  1. Email Enricher
  2. Lead Database
  3. LinkedIn extension

The extension works similarly to those we’ve covered so far, so there aren’t any over-the-top features. A notable benefit is the Google Drive integration, which lets you export contact data to a spreadsheet. Unfortunately, there are no native integrations with CRMs, so you’ll need to upload leads manually.

LeadGibbon has a built-in email verifier, which helps improve email deliverability. It will let you know if the email you wish to extract isn’t verified and won’t charge for it—you’ll get the platform’s best guess for free.

Other features worth mentioning include the following:

  • Duplicate leads detection ✔️
  • Search sharing ✔️
  • Company data enrichment ✔️

You can start using LeadGibbon for free, and you’ll get 15 credits per week. This most likely won’t be enough, in which case you can choose between three paid plans:

  1. Basic—$40/month
  2. Pro—$170/month
  3. Business—$400/month

Each plan gives you a specific amount of credits, which roll over from month to month. This reduces the risk of wasting money on the credits you won’t use within the billing cycle. It somewhat makes up for LeadGibbon’s issues with data accuracy, which some users have reported.

Pros Cons

✔️ Google Drive integration

✔️ Email verification

✔️ Roll-over credits

❌ No native CRM integrations

❌ Data accuracy issues


Source: Wiza

Unlike many tools that offer various types of searches, Wiza is focused on LinkedIn specifically. While this means the platform isn’t particularly versatile, you get a well-rounded solution for gathering LinkedIn data.

When you enable the Chrome extension, you can start building lists based on your LinkedIn searches. Wiza will use its AI to create comprehensive profiles of each prospect, which you can either download or export to your CRM. Wiza works with some of the best-known CRM solutions like Salesforce, Outreach, and HubSpot, so it eliminates the need for manual data entry. ✍️

The platform also has an email verifier, differentiating between valid and “risky” data. Unfortunately, one user review suggests the platform charges credits for both

On the bright side, it offers a free plan with 20 emails and five phone numbers a month, which is enough to test its reliability. If you want more, you can choose between two options:

  1. Email—$99/user per month
  2. Email + Phone—$199/user per month

Note that the free plan doesn’t offer CRM integrations, so you need to upgrade if you want to go beyond CSV exports.

Pros Cons

✔️ Comprehensive prospect profiles

✔️ CRM integrations

✔️ Free plan

❌ Charges for both valid and risky data

❌ No CRM integration with the free plan

Linked Helper

Source: Linked Helper

Unlike many platforms that offer a Chrome extension, Linked Helper is a full-fledged platform focused on LinkedIn lead generation. It’s packed with features that automate several key processes, including email gathering. 📨

When you open the Linked Helper, you can browse LinkedIn within the app to search for leads. It works with all versions, including Sales Navigator and Recruiter. Find the leads through searches, and you can scrape lots of data, from emails and phone numbers to your messaging history with the prospect.

You can manage leads using LinkedIn Helper’s native CRM—a standout feature you don’t get with many alternatives. The platform also offers various native and third-party integrations, letting you export data to your chosen solution. 

Linked Helper doesn’t offer a free plan, though you get a 14-day trial. If you decide to use it, you can choose between two plans:

  1. Standard—-$15/month
  2. Pro—$45/month

While the platform’s features are undoubtedly useful, some of them come with risks—one user reported having their LinkedIn account blocked several times while using Linked Helper.

Pros Cons

✔️ Various LinkedIn automation features

✔️ Built-in CRM

✔️ Support for all LinkedIn versions

❌ No free plan

❌ Potential risks of having your account blocked

The Verdict

Each LinkedIn email scraper brings something unique to the table, so it all comes down to your preferences and current workflow. Still, there’s one thing you should never compromise—data quality.

As you saw above, most email finders use a single database. This means there’s a substantial risk of them either getting an email wrong or not finding one at all. No feature can make up for this as you shouldn’t pour money into a platform that comes up empty-handed.

Your best option is a platform that goes beyond a single database. If you want maximum data coverage without sacrificing other features, choose Clay. 🌈

Simplify LinkedIn Prospecting With Clay

As mentioned, Clay lets you tap into 50+ data sources without the need for separate accounts. Scraping LinkedIn emails with the platform is a breeze, and you can have all the emails you need in no time.

If you need additional data on a prospect or company, ask Claygent, your AI assistant and web scraper which can pull information from anywhere on the web. Enter your prompt or question, and it will answer it instantly.

Source: Clay

Thanks to Clay’s enrichments and AI research, your Clay table will be full of useful information you can use to send highly personalized messages. The platform’s AI Email Builder ensures you don’t even need to write them—it will automatically pull data from the Clay table to do it for you. You can then export your emails and data to your sequencer and kick off a successful campaign. 🤖

You can use Clay’s rich free plan to see these features in action. If you decide to upgrade, you can choose from four plans:

  1. Starter—$149/month
  2. Explorer—$349/month
  3. Pro—$800/month
  4. Enterprise—Custom

With Clay, no money is wasted because you only pay for successful searches, so you can enrich leads without overpaying.

Source: Product Hunt

Get Started for Free

You can create a free Clay account in three steps:

  1. Go to the signup page 🖥️
  2. Enter your name, email, and password 🔐
  3. Explore Clay’s LinkedIn scraping and data enrichment features ⚙️

If you want to learn more about Clay, you can explore Clay University and join the Slack community. Clay also offers a handy newsletter full of useful tips for running outbound campaigns, so feel free to sign up.

Regardless of their industry or target audience, most GTM and sales teams can agree on one thing—LinkedIn is an invaluable prospecting platform. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to explore its full potential. If your lead-generation process is full of manual work, you leave too much room for the competition to steal your prospects.

One of the most tedious aspects of prospecting is email scraping since many users don’t leave their email addresses readily available on their profiles. Even if they do, you don’t want to waste time scouring profiles one by one.

That’s why a LinkedIn email scraper can be your best prospecting companion. It streamlines gathering emails, helping you reach out to leads as quickly as possible. Our guide will show you how this happens and suggest the best scraping tools you’ll want to check out.

How To Scrape Emails From LinkedIn With the Right Tool

We can split LinkedIn email scrapers into two broad categories:

  1. Dedicated platforms—Enrich a prospect with email data based on their LinkedIn URL or name and company
  2. Chrome extensions—Scrape email data in real-time while browsing LinkedIn

Either way, using a scraper is much more efficient than exporting emails manually. This is especially true if the tool connects to your CRM or sales execution platform as you can push emails to it without hassle. Alternatively, the scraper should at least let you export your data as a CSV file so that you can upload lead lists and emails. 📑

As you’ll see in a bit, some platforms go beyond such basic features. You can find various robust solutions that tighten your workflow and help you effortlessly target prospects with highly personalized messages.

Best Email Scraper for LinkedIn—Our Top 7 Tools

To an untrained eye, different LinkedIn scrapers might look largely the same. That’s why we’re here to help you uncover the small details that make a big difference to your prospecting process.

We’ve been in the sales engagement industry for quite a while and have helped over 30,000 teams maximize the results of their outreach campaigns, so we know what successful prospecting should look like. Still, we didn’t only rely on our expertise when cherry-picking the best LinkedIn email scrapers—we also took the following steps:

  • Examining different tools first-hand to get an idea of their capabilities 🛠️
  • Tapping into our extensive network of marketing and sales pros to hear their opinions 🤓
  • Browsing customer reviews to understand each platform’s real-life performance and identify any caveats you should beware of ⚠️

Our research resulted in seven platforms to consider:

  1. Clay
  2. Apollo
  3. Lemlist
  5. LeadGibbon
  6. Wiza
  7. Linked Helper


Clay is a robust sales engagement platform that offers various data enrichment and sales automation features, supported by integrations with valuable tools and platforms. It provides several ways to get people's emails from their LinkedIn URLs via over 50 different data providers. Providers are examined one by one through the process known as waterfall enrichment, and the search stops once the email is found. 🎯

No lead list? No problem—you can build one from scratch using Clay to find companies, people, open jobs, and more.

Finally, Clay lets you find someone’s email even without a LinkedIn profile through the dedicated Email Finder. Enter the prospect’s name and company, and you’ll have the email in no time. 🔍

You can also use Clay to simplify other processes throughout your workflow thanks to the platform’s AI research and writing capabilities. The only thing you can’t do is send emails, but you can connect Clay to over 100 tools, including popular sales execution platforms. 

Pros Cons

✔️ Several ways to scrape emails from LinkedIn and beyond

✔️ 50+ data providers for maximum coverage

✔️ Numerous data points in one place

✔️ AI research and writing features

❌ No built-in email sender


Source: Apollo

Apollo is a popular sales intelligence platform that has amassed a significant user base thanks to its many prospecting features. It lets you enrich prospect data with over 38 attributes, including their email and other contact information.

Still, the platform’s robust Chrome extension is the main reason it made it to our list. When you open LinkedIn and enable it, you can perform various actions directly from the plugin. Visit someone’s profile, and you’ll see their email and request a phone number. 📩

The extension will also show other data, such as:

  • The tech stack and funding data of the company your prospect works at
  • Their colleagues
  • LinkedIn activities and tasks you’ve associated with the prospect through Apollo

You can also use the plugin to add prospects directly to your email sequence, which saves quite a bit of time.

Apollo’s Chrome extension is available with the free plan, but if you want to get the most out of the platform as a whole, you can sign up for one of the three paid tiers:

  1. Basic—$59/user per month
  2. Professional—$99/user per month
  3. Organization—$119/user per month

As for the downsides, some users have complained about Apollo’s user interface and data accuracy, which didn’t meet their expectations. Some have also said the LinkedIn extension randomly stops working, which can complicate your workflow. 

Pros Cons

✔️ Comprehensive LinkedIn extension

✔️ Free plan

✔️ Various integration

❌ Occasional UI and data accuracy issues

❌ LinkedIn extension might crash unexpectedly


Source: Lemlist

Lemlist helps users complete various sales engagement tasks, such as email warmup, prospecting, and campaign automation in a single app.

Like many of its alternatives, the platform offers a LinkedIn Chrome extension you can use to scrape emails, though you need to do it in a roundabout way.

Specifically, you can either visit a prospect’s profile or perform a LinkedIn/Sales Navigator search, and the plugin will mirror the results with prospect data, such as:

  • Name
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Occupation
  • Company details

Unfortunately, the extension doesn’t show the email right away, so you must first import leads into Lemlist and then use the platform’s Email Finder and Verifier feature to get emails. Lemlist has a database of over 450+ million B2B contacts, which is a lot but might still result in empty searches because it’s a single database.

💡 Pro tip: You can integrate Lemlist with Clay to leverage its database and go beyond it if needed.

Lemlist doesn’t offer a free plan, so you need to choose between one of the following paid tiers:

  1. Email Starter—$39/month
  2. Email Pro—$69/month
  3. Multichannel Expert—$99/month
  4. Outreach Scale—$159/month
Pros Cons

✔️ LinkedIn data scraping plugin

✔️ Large B2B contact database

✔️ Email warmup features

❌ No email data within the Chrome extension

❌ No free plan


As the name implies, is primarily aimed at helping you find email addresses from various sources, such as LinkedIn, specific domains, or the platform’s database of 40+ million contacts.

For LinkedIn and Sales Navigator, you can use the dedicated Chrome extension. When you enable it, you have two options:

  1. Visit someone’s profile to scrape their email, phone, and other details 👤
  2. Use the bulk email and phone extraction feature to scrape contact data from LinkedIn searches 🔎 integrates with Zapier, so you can send contacts from the platform to your CRM or email sender. It also lets you create drip campaigns, though some users aren’t impressed with this feature.

Overall, it’s a simple platform that should do a decent job of letting you extract LinkedIn emails. Unfortunately, you can’t use it for free, so you need to subscribe to one of the following plans:

  1. Basic—$29/month
  2. Pro—$49/month
  3. Expert—$99/month
  4. Agency—$279/month

If you decide to sign up, you should be aware of a potential billing issue some users have encountered. Namely, canceling the account might be too complex, and you might get charged despite removing your billing information.

Pros Cons

✔️ Ease of use

✔️ Zapier integration

✔️ Individual and bulk email exports

❌ Potential issues with drip campaigns

❌ Questionable account cancellation practices


Source: LeadGibbon

LeadGibbon encompasses three products that let you find prospects’ emails:

  1. Email Enricher
  2. Lead Database
  3. LinkedIn extension

The extension works similarly to those we’ve covered so far, so there aren’t any over-the-top features. A notable benefit is the Google Drive integration, which lets you export contact data to a spreadsheet. Unfortunately, there are no native integrations with CRMs, so you’ll need to upload leads manually.

LeadGibbon has a built-in email verifier, which helps improve email deliverability. It will let you know if the email you wish to extract isn’t verified and won’t charge for it—you’ll get the platform’s best guess for free.

Other features worth mentioning include the following:

  • Duplicate leads detection ✔️
  • Search sharing ✔️
  • Company data enrichment ✔️

You can start using LeadGibbon for free, and you’ll get 15 credits per week. This most likely won’t be enough, in which case you can choose between three paid plans:

  1. Basic—$40/month
  2. Pro—$170/month
  3. Business—$400/month

Each plan gives you a specific amount of credits, which roll over from month to month. This reduces the risk of wasting money on the credits you won’t use within the billing cycle. It somewhat makes up for LeadGibbon’s issues with data accuracy, which some users have reported.

Pros Cons

✔️ Google Drive integration

✔️ Email verification

✔️ Roll-over credits

❌ No native CRM integrations

❌ Data accuracy issues


Source: Wiza

Unlike many tools that offer various types of searches, Wiza is focused on LinkedIn specifically. While this means the platform isn’t particularly versatile, you get a well-rounded solution for gathering LinkedIn data.

When you enable the Chrome extension, you can start building lists based on your LinkedIn searches. Wiza will use its AI to create comprehensive profiles of each prospect, which you can either download or export to your CRM. Wiza works with some of the best-known CRM solutions like Salesforce, Outreach, and HubSpot, so it eliminates the need for manual data entry. ✍️

The platform also has an email verifier, differentiating between valid and “risky” data. Unfortunately, one user review suggests the platform charges credits for both

On the bright side, it offers a free plan with 20 emails and five phone numbers a month, which is enough to test its reliability. If you want more, you can choose between two options:

  1. Email—$99/user per month
  2. Email + Phone—$199/user per month

Note that the free plan doesn’t offer CRM integrations, so you need to upgrade if you want to go beyond CSV exports.

Pros Cons

✔️ Comprehensive prospect profiles

✔️ CRM integrations

✔️ Free plan

❌ Charges for both valid and risky data

❌ No CRM integration with the free plan

Linked Helper

Source: Linked Helper

Unlike many platforms that offer a Chrome extension, Linked Helper is a full-fledged platform focused on LinkedIn lead generation. It’s packed with features that automate several key processes, including email gathering. 📨

When you open the Linked Helper, you can browse LinkedIn within the app to search for leads. It works with all versions, including Sales Navigator and Recruiter. Find the leads through searches, and you can scrape lots of data, from emails and phone numbers to your messaging history with the prospect.

You can manage leads using LinkedIn Helper’s native CRM—a standout feature you don’t get with many alternatives. The platform also offers various native and third-party integrations, letting you export data to your chosen solution. 

Linked Helper doesn’t offer a free plan, though you get a 14-day trial. If you decide to use it, you can choose between two plans:

  1. Standard—-$15/month
  2. Pro—$45/month

While the platform’s features are undoubtedly useful, some of them come with risks—one user reported having their LinkedIn account blocked several times while using Linked Helper.

Pros Cons

✔️ Various LinkedIn automation features

✔️ Built-in CRM

✔️ Support for all LinkedIn versions

❌ No free plan

❌ Potential risks of having your account blocked

The Verdict

Each LinkedIn email scraper brings something unique to the table, so it all comes down to your preferences and current workflow. Still, there’s one thing you should never compromise—data quality.

As you saw above, most email finders use a single database. This means there’s a substantial risk of them either getting an email wrong or not finding one at all. No feature can make up for this as you shouldn’t pour money into a platform that comes up empty-handed.

Your best option is a platform that goes beyond a single database. If you want maximum data coverage without sacrificing other features, choose Clay. 🌈

Simplify LinkedIn Prospecting With Clay

As mentioned, Clay lets you tap into 50+ data sources without the need for separate accounts. Scraping LinkedIn emails with the platform is a breeze, and you can have all the emails you need in no time.

If you need additional data on a prospect or company, ask Claygent, your AI assistant and web scraper which can pull information from anywhere on the web. Enter your prompt or question, and it will answer it instantly.

Source: Clay

Thanks to Clay’s enrichments and AI research, your Clay table will be full of useful information you can use to send highly personalized messages. The platform’s AI Email Builder ensures you don’t even need to write them—it will automatically pull data from the Clay table to do it for you. You can then export your emails and data to your sequencer and kick off a successful campaign. 🤖

You can use Clay’s rich free plan to see these features in action. If you decide to upgrade, you can choose from four plans:

  1. Starter—$149/month
  2. Explorer—$349/month
  3. Pro—$800/month
  4. Enterprise—Custom

With Clay, no money is wasted because you only pay for successful searches, so you can enrich leads without overpaying.

Source: Product Hunt

Get Started for Free

You can create a free Clay account in three steps:

  1. Go to the signup page 🖥️
  2. Enter your name, email, and password 🔐
  3. Explore Clay’s LinkedIn scraping and data enrichment features ⚙️

If you want to learn more about Clay, you can explore Clay University and join the Slack community. Clay also offers a handy newsletter full of useful tips for running outbound campaigns, so feel free to sign up.

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